A list Competence-based questions that cover an ordinary-level biology syllabus, enjoy and get started, 

01. What are the procedures of vomiting?

02. Differentiae the following

    a) Unicellular and multicellular organism

    b) Cytology and taxonomy

03. Outline four reasons why it is important to study biology

04. a) What is variable

    b) Distinguish between dependent and controlled variable

05. Name five sense organs and their function

06. Why it is important for scientist to use standard system of measurement.

07. What is the importance of control experiment when testing a given hypothesis?

08. Using relevant examples explain how quantity of matter can be estimated through local observation

08. What is the importance of first aid kit

09. Identify six item found in the first kit and state their uses

10. What are bruises?

11. Explain the symptoms of a poisoned victim

12. Why it is not advisable to induce vomiting to victim who has taking corrosive poison

13. Briefly discuss how you can prevent accidents at home and school

14. Give reasons why it is necessary to cover your hands when giving first aid to a bleeding person.

15. Explain three method of waste disposal

16. What can be done to reduce waste at home?

17. What is puberty?

18. Explain any two diseases which may be caused by lack of personal hygiene during puberty

19. Briefly explain types of immunity

20. Explain the effect of the following organisms to humans

          a) Amoeba sp 
          b) Plasmodium sp 
          c) Trypanosoma sp

21. Give the scientific name of the bacteria that cause the following disease

        a) Tuberculosis 
        b) Tetanus 
        c) Cholera

22. Mention six rules of Binomial Nomenclature

23. Name the five Kingdoms of living things

24. Why is classification important?

25. Describe the function of any three specialized cell in plant

26. Explain the meaning of the following term

         a) STI 
         b) STD 
         c) HIV 
         d) Opportunistic infection 
         e) ARV

27. List the ranks of classification starting with the highest to the lowest

28. How can te following risk behavior or practices contribute to HIV infection

        a) Drinking alcohol 
        b) Sharing razor blade 
        c) Having moral friends 
        d) Drug abuse

29. List three STI’S and STDS caused by

        a) Virus 
        b) Bacteria

30. Explain any two diseases that may be caused by lack of personal hygiene during puberty

31. Use example to explain how the following field are related to biology

        a) Medicine 
        b) Agriculture 
        c) Forest d) Nutrition

32. Give three examples of each of the following

        a) Clinical waste 
        b) Household waste 
        c) industrial waste

33. Write down an essay on Malaria using the following guidelines

        i) Causative agent

        ii) Mode of transmission

        iii) Symptoms

        iv) Preventive ways

        v) Conclusion

34. Mention disease caused by the following

        i) Salmonella Typhi

        ii) Vibrio Cholerae

35. a) What is pathogenic?

        b) Outline any five characteristic of pathogenic bacteria

36.a) Define the term cell

        b) Write down five differences between plant cell and animal cell

        c) Mention two example of tissue found in animal

37. Explain the economic importance of bacteria in our life

38. List six characteristics similarities common to all living things

39. Briefly explain about waste disposal

40. Mention and explain basic principle of waste disposal

41. Mention and explain six effect of poor waste disposal

42. Suggest three proper way of waste disposal in the community

43. Give four reasons to why waste disposal is problem in urban area

44. What are four importance of first aid

45. What will you do if corrosive substance accidentally spill on your skin

46. Answer the following questions briefly

        i) What is virology

        ii) List three advantages of amoeba

        iii) How are Euglena beneficial to the environment

        iv) Draw a well-labeled diagram of paramecium

        v) Give five differences between a Virus and an animal cell

        vi) List down any five characteristics of virus

        vii) Name any three diseases which are caused by virus

        viii) Distinguish between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria

        ix) How does an amoeba

                a) Move 
                b) Feed 
                c) Reproduce

x) Give the scientific name of the bacteria that cause the following disease

                a) Tuberculosis 
                b) Tetanus 
                c) Cholera 
                d) Syphilis

47. Name two disease which can be caused by each of the following

                i) Amoeba 
                ii) Plasmodium 
                iii) Paramecium

48. Answer the following questions

                i) Why is classification important?

                ii) Draw a flow chart showing the correct arrangement of the subdivision of kingdom                             animalia

49. Explain what will happen if the following removed from a plant or animal cell

                i) Nucleus 
                ii) cell wall 
                iii) Chloroplast 
                iv) Cell membrane

50. Distinguish between

                i) Eukaryotic cell and prokaryotic cell

                ii) An organ and tissue

               iii) Plant cell and animal cell

51. i)What is puberty

        ii) Puberty cause both physical and emotional changes in adolescence, state five changes and how         you can handle them.

52. Answer the following questions

        i) Define good manner

        ii) Outline six principle of good manner

        iii) How can you maintain good manner when are invited for dinner at your neighbor house

53. Write five thing you should do and five things should not do at puberty

54. What are the requirement of personal hygiene and good manner

55. What are the principle of good manner

56. What are the five difference between disease and disorder

57. Explain why organism belonging to difference species do not interbreed to produce viable offspring

58. Explain advantage of artificial system of classification

59. Describe the characteristic of Trypanosoma

60. Distinguish between Apicomplexa and other protoctists

61. Draw a well labeled diagram of paramecium

62. State four important reasons for observing laboratory rules

63. Compare the structure of plant cell and animal cell as seen under the right microscope

64. Explain how can the following risky behavior or factors keep a person in danger contracting HIV

        i) Drinking alcohol

        ii) Drug abuse

        iii) Sexual promiscuity

        iv) Sharing razor blade

65. i) Name the different shape of bacteria

        ii) Draw the shapes you have named

66. Briefly discuss how you can prevent accident at home and at school

67. Give reason as to why it is necessary to cover your hand when giving first aid to a bleeding person

68. Briefly explain how you can diagnose someone who has poisoned

69. Why it is not advisable to induce vomiting to a victim who has swallowed a corrosive substance

70. i) How to care for the light microscope

        ii) How to use a light microscope

71. a) Name the five sense organ and their function

        b) Give one weakness of using sense organ to make observation

72. Describe the function of any three specialized cell in the plant

73. Name three species of harmful bacteria

74. With the aid of a diagram describe a generalized structure of bacterium

75. a) Name the types of immunity

        b) State one advantage and one disadvantage of the following

                i) Passive immunity 
                ii) Active immunity

76. Outline and explain five factor affecting immunity

77. Explain the causes, symptom and effect of the following disease

        i) COVID-19 
        ii) Malaria 
        iii) Diabetes

78.Explain three important things to cons8ider in order to prevent unpleasant odour and disease during puberty

79. What unit and instrument will use to measure

        a) Time 
        b) mass 
        c) Temperature 
        d) Length

80. Discuss the following questions briefly

        i. What are the two types of immunity

        ii. Health and immunity

        iii. Disease and infection

        iv. Antigen and antibody

81. A middle age man is regularly visiting the local tradition healer suspecting that he has been bewitched. He has prolonged cough and is vomiting blood stained sputum whenever he cough he cannot eat properly because he has poor appetite and suffers weight loss. He is surprised that he sweat during the night

          i) What are the prevention methods

          ii) Which disease is he likely to be suffering from

          iii) What would you advise the man to do

82. Draw and label the following

        i) An animal cell as seen under the light microscope

        ii) A prokaryotic cell

83. Name the Genus and Species to which the maize plant belong

84. State the function of the following part of microscope

        i) Eye piece 
        ii) Arm 
         iii) Body tube 
         iv) Stage and base

85. Write down five ways of taking proper care of a light microscope

86. Puberty cause both physical and emotional changes adolescents and how you can handle them

87. Name two diseases that may be caused by lack of personal hygiene during puberty

88. How can you maintain good manners when you are invited for dinner at your neighbour house

89. Explain six step which a scientist carrying out an investigation

90. How do you determine the magnification of an object viewed under a light microscope

91. What is the difference between the movement of a motorcar and that of a dog.

92. Name the various types of cell found in

        a) An animal body

        b) a plant body

93. a)Using relevant examples describe bad habit you have seen among your classmate

        b) State the effect of each bad habit described in a) above on respective individuals

94. Differentiate the following terms

        a) Endemic and epidemic disease

        b) Communicable and non-communicable disease

95. Explain the possible dangers of using chemicals with toxic signs

96. What is the importance of biology laboratory?

97. Explain why organisms belonging to different species do not interbreed to produce a viable offspring.

98. Which are the factors to consider wen constructing a biological laboratory

99.a) Explain the following

        i) First aid

        ii) First aid kit

    b) List five importance of first aid

100. Mention three types of waste disposal and explain

101. Explain part of light microscope and their function

102. “Bacteria are said to have both harm and harmless” Justify (three point each)

103. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of

        i) Active immunity 
        ii) Passive immunity

104. Mention three points on the component of cell theory.

105. Mention five ways in which PLWHA are stigmatized in the society.

106. Explain why HIV is not spread by casual contact such as shaking and hugging?

107. Briefly explain four body’s defense system and how are adapted

108. Why it is advisable to keep the victim bites at heart level or lower?

109. Why observation made by using sense organs is disadvantageous?

110. Biology is more than study of animal and plants explain

111. Explain how Euglena possess both plant and animal characteristics

112. Mention and explain the five scientific method

113. Mention the importance of food web and food chain

114. Why some plant appeared to be green

115. Where can you see the following safety sign in the real life situation

        a) Slippery floor

        b) Flammable

        c) High voltage

        d) Strong radiation

        e) Biohazard.

116. You have been invited to a friend party. The party will last up to 9:00 pm. You are very eager to attend the part but your parent disapproves your request. What should you remember when discussing this issue with your parents?

117. Describe the functions of any three specialized cell in plant

118. A child complains to her mother that she has a headache and pain in joint. She also feels uneasy vomits and has abdominal pain. Her mother realizes that the child also has a fever. She takes her to hospital

        i) Which disease do you suspect the child is suffering from?

        ii) What is the cause and mode of transmission?

        iii) How can the disease be controlled and prevented

119. Explain what will happen if the following are removed from a plant or animal cell

        i) Nucleus

        ii) Cell wall

        iii) Cell membrane

        iv) Chloroplast

120. a) Convert the following temperature to degree Fahrenheit

        i) 100°C

        ii) 40°C

b) Convert the following temperature to kelvin

        i) 100°C

        ii) 0°C

c) How many millimeters are in

        i) 1cm

        ii) 1mm

d) Covert the following to meters

        i) 300mm

        ii) 5500 cm

121. Explain the types of landfill

122. Outline the causes, symptom and effects of the following infection and disease

        i) Syphilis

        ii) Candidiasis

        iii) Hepatitis

123. What are the similarities and differences between biology laboratories and other school facilities?

124. Explain the possible danger of using chemicals with toxic sign

125. Explain the role of cell

126. Explain three ways in which diseases are spread

127. i)Why tipping is very important, especially in urban area.

        ii) List two form of damping site

128.Suggest three causes of cut accident at home

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