Good news to all students who intend to join higher education, the Commission for Universities has opened the admission window allowing students to apply for universities.

Below is the list of different universities with their online application system


Universities are arranged alphabetically

01) Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT University)-AL-SUMAIT

Apply here

02) AKU - Aga Khan university

Apply here

03) The Archbishop Mihayo University College of Tabora (AMUCTA)

Apply here

04)Ardhi university(ARU)

Apply here

05) Arusha Technical colllege(ATC)

Apply here

06) Catholic University College of Mbeya(CUCoM)

Apply here

07)The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences - Bugando (CUHAS-BUGANDO)

Apply here

08)The Mozambique-Tanzania Centre for Foreign Relations(CFR - Diplomasia)

Apply here

09) The College of African Wildlife Management (CAWM)- Mweka

10)The College of Business Education (CBE)

Apply here

11) Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology(DIT)

Apply here

12) Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI)

13) The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) 

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14) Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU)

Apply here

15) The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA)

Apply here

16) The Institute of Adult Education (IAE)

Apply here

17) The Institute of Finance Management (IFM)

Apply here

18) The Institute of Public Administration (IPA)

Apply here

19)Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP)-Mipango

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20) Institute of Social Work (ISW) - Ustawi

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21) Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) - Kodi

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22)Jordan University College[JUCo]

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23) KIUT

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24) KCMUCo

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25) LGTI - Serikali za Mtaa

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26) MARUCo

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27) MUST;

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28) MoCU - Ushirika

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29) MS-TCDC - Maendeleo

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31) MUM

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32) MNMA

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33) MzU - Mwanza

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34) MWECAU - Mwenge

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35) MU - Mzumbe

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36) NIT

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37) OUT - Huria

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38) RUCU - Ruaha

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39) SUA

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40) SAUT

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41) SFUCHAS - St. Francis

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42) SJUT - St. John

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43) SJUIT - St. Joseph

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44) SUZA

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45) STEMMUCo - SAUT Mtwara

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46) TIA

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47) TPSC - Utumishi

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48) TICD - Tengeru

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49) TEKU - Teofilo

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51) TUMA - Makumira

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52) Unique Academy

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53) UAUT - Umoja

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54) UoA - Arusha

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55) UDSM

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56) UDOM

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57) UoI - Iringa

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58) WI - Maji

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59) ZU - Zanzibar

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01) Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT University)-AL-SUMAIT

Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT University) is built on the foundation of the former University College of Education Zanzibar (UCEZ), established in 1998 by a Kuwait based charity organization, the Africa Muslims Agency (AMA/Direct Aid) founded in 1981.

The University is located at Chukwani on the Islands of Zanzibar in the United Republic of Tanzania, about 5.5 kilometres from the seaport of the Zanzibar Old Stone Town, 2.5 kilometres from Abeid Karume International Airport and just 150 metres away from the West Coast of the Indian Ocean.

List of courses

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02) AKU - Aga Khan university


The Aga Khan University will be an autonomous, international institution of distinction, primarily serving the developing world and Muslim societies in innovative and enduring ways.​


The ​Aga Khan University is committed to the development of human capacities through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge, and application through service.

It seeks to prepare individuals for constructive and exemplary leadership roles, and shaping public and private policies, through strength in research and excellence in education, all dedicated to providing meaningful contributions to society.

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03) The Archbishop Mihayo University College of Tabora (AMUCTA)

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04)Ardhi university(ARU)


To be a leading centre of excellence in knowledge generation and dissemination responsive to the dynamics of the national, regional and global conditions.


To provide innovative and integrated learning, research and public services that advance sustainable development at national level and beyond.

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05) Arusha Technical colllege(ATC)

The College was established in 1978 jointly by the Governments of the United Republic of Tanzania and Germany also known as FRG-Federal Republic of Germany “West Germany”, under the name of the Technical College Arusha (TCA).

The College is located at the Central Business District of the Arusha City which is Northern Tanzania’s centre of agriculture, commerce, trade and tourism.

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06) Catholic University College of Mbeya(CUCoM)

Catholic University College of Mbeya (CUCoM), A Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) is a private higher learning institution, which is owned by the Catholic Bishops of Tanzania (Tanzania Episcopal Conference-TEC). 

Its main campus is located in Mwanza, a port city on the shores of Lake Victoria, in Northern Tanzania. Following its philosophy to reach and render educational services to marginalized societies at places where such people are found, it extended its Colleges and Centres in different parts of Tanzania, Mbeya Region being among them.

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07)The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences - Bugando (CUHAS-BUGANDO)

The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences - Bugando (CUHAS-BUGANDO) is located at Bugando Hill, within the Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) premises in Mwanza. 

The core business is training, research and consultancy services. We train health professionals in the fields of Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing and Public Health through our Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and PhD programmes. Our students include local and international/foreign students from all walks of life. 

We work in close partnership with the Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) in the training of our students and in offering services that address the challenges within the Lake Zone, thus contributing to the Health Sector in a purposeful and meaningful way.

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08)The Mozambique-Tanzania Centre for Foreign Relations(CFR - Diplomasia)

The Mozambique-Tanzania Centre for Foreign Relations, also formally known as Centre for Foreign Relations (CFR), is one of the higher learning institutions in Tanzania. 

The Centre was established in 1978 as a result of an agreement between the Governments of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) and the Republic of Mozambique. The Centre has been incorporated in the Immunities and Privileges Act No. 5 (1986). 

This incorporation has conferred the Centre with a diplomatic status. The Centre’s primary function is to promote development, awareness and understanding of issues of International Relations at regional and international levels for practicing and emerging professionals and the general public. 

The CFR is ever on the alert to learn from the international space and share innovative practices with all those involved in promoting international peace, understanding, security and good relations.


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09) The College of African Wildlife Management (CAWM)- Mweka

The College is located in Northern Tanzania on the Southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, 14km North of Moshi town and 70km from Kilimanjaro International Airport.

10)The college of Business Education (CBE)

The COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION (CBE) was established in 1965 by the Act of the Parliament. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION Act No. 31 of 1965. His Excellency, J.K. Nyerere, the first President of the United Republic of Tanzania officially opened the new College in January 1965. The College was officially named the “College of Business Education” (CBE). 

The said Act of Parliament gives the College its legal status as an autonomous institution with its Governing Body. The College shall be governed and administered in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

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11) Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology(DIT)

The Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) is the government Institution established in 1997 by Act of parliament."the DIT Act No 6 of 1997" to replace the Dar es Salaam Technical College which had a long history of technical training in Tanzania from 1957.

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12) Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI)

Dar Es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI) was established by Act of Parliament No. 22 of 1991 to cater to the greater needs of the Shipping Industry in the region. The Institute (DMI) originated from what was known as Dar Es Salaam Maritime Training Unit (DMTU), which was established on the 3rd July 1978 as a training wing of Tanzania Coastal Shipping Line (TACOSHILI) to fulfill the need of well-trained seafarers .

13) The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) 

The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) as a professional institution, right from its conceptualization, had its ‘regional roots’ way back in the year 1961. 

The archive at the Centre reveals that in July 1961 in Tunis (TUNISIA), the Second Conference of African Statisticians noted that it “was necessary to establish a number of training centres to provide theoretical and particular courses” in Africa to respond to the increased demands on statistical services, given the fact that there was an acute shortage of both middle-grade and professional statisticians. 

The Conference also noted that training professional statisticians is a highly specialized task, which can be undertaken only by well-established colleges.

For that reason, at the third Conference of the African Statisticians in October, 1963, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) agreed to assist in the establishment of a statistical training centre for the East African sub-region i.e. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

Therefore, at a meeting held on 11 th February, 1964, at the Headquarters of East African Community (then known as the East Africa Common Services Organization (EACSO), it was agreed that United Nations (UN) would provide, besides a Director for such a Centre, UN Fellowships and equipment for it. It was finally decided to locate the training Centre at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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14) Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU)

Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) was established in 1997, being among the first private universities to be accredited in Tanzania in the year 2000, it has since then received local, regional and international recognition.

It was the idea of Prof Hubert C.M Kairuki and his wife Mrs Kokushubira Kairuki to establish the University, moved by the situation in Tanzania after independence in 1961, whereby diseases, poverty and ignorance were declared the country's key enemies.

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15) The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA)

The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) is a parastatal educational institution under the Ministry of Finance and Planning originally established in 1987 to offer training for candidates aspiring to acquire National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) certification.

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16) The Institute of Adult Education (IAE)

The Institute of Adult Education (IAE) was established in 1960 as an extra mural studies section of Makerere University College, under the University of London. 

In 1963, the Institute was upgraded into a department and placed under the Dar es Salaam University College. Later on, it became an autonomous Institution established by Parliamentary Act Number 12 of 1975 under then Ministry of National Education, currently, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. 

To date, the Institute has become a centre for Learning, Research and Training in Adult Education arena for Certificate, Diploma and Degree courses, Diploma, certificates and post-Primary education learners.Its services have been extended to the grassroots level through regional centres established in 26 regions of Mainland Tanzania.

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17) The Institute of Finance Management (IFM)

Since its foundation in 1972, the Institute of Finance Management (IFM) stands as the oldest higher learning financial institution in Tanzania and it has been dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and consultancy. Currently, the Institute enrolls about 9228 students in both undergraduate and graduate programmes. 

At IFM, students are inspired and challenged to investigate critical issues of the 21st century in areas of financial management, insurance, social protection, and information technology.

 IFM offers an unparalleled student experience, both in and out of the classroom. The Institute has four faculties that award certificate, diploma and degree, postgraduate diploma, and master’s degree. The Institute offers short courses in regular basis to address certain needs in the market. Up to date, the Institute has about 38,321 alumni.

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18) The Institute of Public Administration (IPA)

The Institute of Public Administration (IPA) was established by the Act no.1 of 2007 to support the Public Services reform Programmes which calls for effectiveness and efficiency in Public services.

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