TIME: 2:30 HOURS                                                              AUGUST 2023


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.
2. Answer all questions from all sections A, B and C.
3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks and section B carries seventy (70) marks and section C carries fifteen (15) marks.
4. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
5. Any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
6. Write your Examination Number on the top right on every page.

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer and write its letter in the space provided.

(i) Form one students of Bukongo Secondary School used midterm break to visit a special building, where historical artifacts and other past human remains are kept. What is the name of the place visited?

A. Museums
B. Historical sites
C. Archives
D. Archeology

(ii) Mr. Chan is a Chinese researcher. He made a last research in Africa concerning the earliest iron sites in East Africa. What are those areas?

A. Kivu, Edward, Tanga and Morogoro
B. Karage, Engaruka, Ugweno and Lake Edward
C. Mount Kenya, Kivu, Edward and Mount Kilimanjaro
D. Karagwe, Engaruka, Ugweno and Uvinza

(iii) Samwel and Faidha got married during pre-colonial Africa. They went to live to Faidha’s family where they got two children who were also belonged to Faidha’s family. Which term can be used to describe that community?

A. Patrilineal society
B. Age set organization
C. Ntemiship organization
D. Matrineal society

(iv) The Industrial Revolution created atmosphere of exploiting people in order to get industrial demands. What are those demands?

A. Labour, raw material and area of investment
B. Water, transport, capital and machine
C. Labour, workers, market and people
D. Skilled labour, land and market

(v) Pre-colonial African societies adopted changes in their life system where they started to eat roasted meat, to defend themselves form wild animals as well as from cold. Which historical event was associated with these changes?

A. Discovery of iron
B. Discovery of weapons
C. Discovery of cold
D. Discovery of fire

(vi) Zajirun’s grandfather always used crude stone tools for hunting animals around their home forest. In which age did Zajirun’s grandfather live?

A. Early stone age
B. Middle stone age
C. Late stone age
D. New Stone age

(vii) There was a debate between form two students at Kaloleni secondary school over the correct economic factors of interaction among the people of Africa in pre-colonial African societies. As one among the participants show the correct economic factors for interaction:

A. Metal working, storage of food, war and religion
B. Agriculture, metal working, fishing and trade
C. Fishing, migration, war and religion
D. Growth of towns and cities, marriage, war and religion

(viii) Mzilikazi, Mashoeshoe and Shoshangane were among the great leaders in pre- colonial African societies, raised during the great and famous migration. These leaders belonged to which tribe?

A. Xhosa
B. Zulu
C. Ngoni
D. Dutch

(ix) Sandawe societies live together, share food, clothes and means of transport. No classes within the community, they live in peaceful way. The life style practiced by Sandawe reflect which mode of production?

A. Slavery
B. Communalism
C. Feudalism
D. Capitalism

(x) Ugweno and Kibosho practiced trade, they exchanged iron from Ugweno and maize from Kibosho. What was the system of trade conducted by these societies?

A. Legitimate trade
B. Local trade
C. Barter trade
D. Regional trade

2. Match the items in list A with those in list B by writing the correct latter in the space provided




i. Discovery of Zinjanthropus at Olduvai gorge by Dr.Leakey

ii. Zanzibar became under the control Sultan Seyyid Said

iii. The first Dutch settlements at the Cape

iv. Frere treaty officially ends in East African slave trade

v. The decline of fort Jesus in Mombasa

A. 1840

B. 1873

C. 1959

D. 1845

E. 1698

F. 1945

G. 1652

H. 1835















SECTION B (70 Marks)

3. Up to date people of East African coast appreciate and respect Arabs, because during the early contact they retained positive impacts which are very important up to date. With examples, explain those five (5) positive impacts.

4. Mzee Kidoga is an elder of Nguvukazi village. He used most of night time to narrate different stories. One day he invited youth and narrated the story about early contact between Africa, Middle East and Far East.

(a) What the source of historical information Mzee Kidoga used?
(b) Describe two advantages and two disadvantages of the method (a) above

5. From the beginning of 15th European capitalists bought and sold African people to work on their plantation farms outside Africa without any payment. But in 19th C, the capitalists decided to stop the business. Explain why European capitalists decided to stop that business? Five (5) points.

6. People engage in different economic activities so as to obtain basic needs such as clothes, food and shelter. Also most of pre-colonial Africa societies engaged in different economic activities. With examples describe five (5) economic activities done by them.

7. Rabia Akili tried to convince her children not to study history subject, because it is not applicable in real life situation. As a form two student convince her to allow her children to study history. Five (5) points.

8. During pre-colonial Africa, some societies like Buganda and Songhai developed large and powerful centralized states. What were the five (5) factors for that development?

9. The history teacher of Kilwa secondary school invited a guest speaker to explain about the importance of fire discovered during the Middle Stone Age to social and economic development. As one among the participants memorize what the guest speaker said. Five (5) points.

SECTION C (15 Marks)

10. Before colonialism in Rwanda and Burundi there was Ubugabire system, while in the Coastal societies along the East Africa there was Umwinyi system. Explain six (6) characteristics of the mode of production in those societies.

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