
INSTRUCTIONS                                                                          TIME 2 HOURS

1.This paper consist of section A, B,C and D

2. Answer question as instructed.


1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follows

Our mother used to tell us different stories during evening time, especially after the dinner time. She was a good narrator, she used to narrate many stories.

 I remember one thing mother taught us he time she would be narrating the stories she put emphasis on giving to the poor.

She used to say “Giving to the poor can make up for sin, just as water can put out the blazing fire.” Anyone who is responding to others with act of kindness is thinking of the future because he will find help if he is over falls on hard times. She would say my son, don’t prevent the poor from making a living or keeping them waiting in their needs.

Never give a hungry person a reason to feel isolated. Don’t add trouble if he is need don’t put off giving to him. Don’t refuse to help the beggar who is in distress. Don’t turn your back on a poor person or give him any reason to curse you.

Make yourself popular in the community. Bow your head to the men of authority. Listen to what the poor have to say and answer them politely. Protect the poor people from those who want to hurt them and be firm in your judgments. Be like a Father to orphans who provide for them with help since their parents can no longer provide for them. Then you will feel proud of helping who are in need of help.

For the people you will never forget what you do for them even when you are not around. Everyone will take you as a friend because you are always there they need you.


a) Answer the following questions with the reference to the passage in the blanks spaces provided.

(i) Why was the mother narrating stories to her son?

(ii) What does the expression “Giving to the poor can make up for sin just as water can put out blazing fire” mean?

(iii) According to the passage, what should you do when someone is in trouble?

(iv) What does the expression “Bow your head to men of authority” mean?

b) For each of the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct in the blank space provided.

(i) A narrator usually narrated the stories in the evening.

(ii) Helping the poor people with an opportunity to work will make them independent ……….

(iii) Anyone that responds to others with acts of kindness does not think of the future………..

(iv) A friend in need is a friend indeed means that friends should be around for each other only in happy occasions………….

(v) People should respect each other for who they are and not what they have…….

2. The auxiliary verb “Do” has various uses. With the help of a well-constructed sentences, show the following uses;

(a) To make questions

(b) To form a tag questions for statement without auxiliary verbs.

(c) To form negation.

(d) To form command sentence.

3. Future expression can be presented in a number of ways. Construct one sentence under each of the following ways to illustrate their use.

(a) The use of will or shall

(b) The use of verb “be” + going + to infinitive.

(c) The use of present continuous form.

(d) The use of verb “be” + about

4. Dictionaries use abbreviations and symbols to save space. What do the following abbreviations and symbols stand for

a) pp      b) [U]       c) ( BrE)      d) [ V]

5. Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning with the underlined part of each.

(i) Mariam is calling you

(ii) The doctor had closed the injection room.

(iii) Drunkard didn’t take our shoes.

(iv) The guest was offered a heavy tea.


6. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct words or phrases given in the box and write it in the blank spaces provided

Sister-in-law, daughter, cousin, nephew, grandparent, great grandfather, brother-in-law.


(i) Who is my brother’s son t me?……………..

(ii) Who is my aunt’s daughter to me?………….

(iii) who is my sister’s husband to me?................

(iv) Who is my grandfather’s father to me?...................


7. Choose one class reader you have read either in form one or two, then answer the following questions.

(a) Describe one female character that has been portrayed as a hard worker.

(b) Identify one male character and show how he relate to the today’s society.

(c) What is the story about?

(d) Which character do you like the most? Give a reason for your answer.

(e) What message does the book have to the society?

8. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow.

I have known this preacher man

For a long time he was a good man

I have known this judge

For a long time he was a good man.

I have known this teacher.

For a long time he was a good man too.

Because of drugs

They have been taking secretly

They are in worry houses today

We cannot stand aside and look

While the nation is going down the drain

We really cannot stand aside and look

While the nation is going down the drain.


I am telling you now

Cocaine no good for you.

Liquor no good for you

You go sniffing them glue.

No good for you

They give it for you and say

It is the sense of knowledge.



a) (i) Who are the three people that are being spoken about in the first stanza.

(ii) Identify the outcome of having those people in the society as victim of the situation portrayed in the poem.

b) (i) How many verses are there in the third stanza?

(ii) How many stanzas are there in the poem?

c) According to the poet, what are the two things that are not good for people? Give a reason for your answer.

d) What is your suggestion to the evidence of the poem?

e) Through which way can the government eliminate the cause of what has been said to be bad in the poem?









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