Time 3:00 Hours                                                                                   AUGUST 2023


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions. 2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C. 3. Cellular phones and any unauthorised materials are not allowed in the examination room. 4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).

SECTION A (16 Marks)

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. (i) A figure of speech in which a writer raises a question, and then immediately provides an answer to that question. E.g. “What shall we do to keep Corona away from our homes? Many things, obviously. But the most important is to stay indoors.”

a. Hypophora.
b. Anaphora.
c. Rhetorical question.
d. Parallelisms. e. Questionnaire.

(ii) It suggests the scenery, lighting, sound effects, and ways for actors to move and speak often appearing in parentheses and in italic type. E.g (Suddenly he notices the package. He drags himself over to it, and disinterestedly reads the label.), this refers to……

a. Aside.
b. Stage direction 
c. Monologue.
d. Narration. 
e. Costumes.

(iii) ‘The sun is going to Chiolu now”. This is an example of...

a. Metaphor.
b. Simile.
c. Personification.
d. Irony
e. Exaggeration.

(iv)Mr. Madume has started researching about the life of Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere in order to present accurate information about him in a book he is going to write soon. After publishing this book Mr Madume will be called:-

a. An autobiographer. 
b. A bibliographer. 
c. A Lexicographer.
d. A biographer.
e. A Nyererian historian.

(v) The following are the type of Non-fiction Literature EXCEPT:-

a. Memoir.
b. Autobiography 
c. Biography
d. Speech 
e. Novel.

(vi)Is a short, humorous poem made up of five lines usually with the rhyme scheme aabba, created by two rhyming couplets followed by a fifth line that rhymes with the first couplet.

a. Limerick. 
b. Sonnet. 
c. Eat more
d. Lyric. 
e. Ballad.

(vii) Is the stage of the plot in which the story begins to draw to a close or conclusion.

a. Climax

b. Falling Action 
c. Crisis
d. Denouement 
e. Exposition

(viii) Kinjekitile is a character who remains the same throughout the story. He experiences events and interacts with other characters, but he is not changed because of them:- Kinjeketile is an example of…….

a. A dynamic character. 
b. A steriotypical character. 
c. A static character.
d. A flat character. 
e. A round character.

(ix)This refers to general regular patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry.

a. Verse. 
b. Stanza. 
c. Couplet.
d. Meter. 
e. Rhyme.

(x) This refers to the time spent in practicing a drama, dance or a piece of music in preparation for a public performance:-

a. Teleplay 
b. Radio play 
c. Script
d. Theatre 
e. Rehearsal.

2. Match the descriptions in List A with the corresponding literary term in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

List A 

List B

i. A short description at the back cover of a book, written by the author or  publisher, which is intended to attract your attention and make you want  to buy it.  

ii. A line of writing, short phrase, saying, or quotation at the beginning of  a book or chapter as an introduction intended to suggest its theme.  iii. A short poem or phrase that expresses an idea in a clever or amusing  way.  

iv. A speech, at the beginning of a play, book, or film/ movie that  introduces it.  

v. A short speech, (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience at the  end of a play, book, or film/movie that comments on or acts as a  conclusion to what has happened.  

vi. An adjective or phrase that is used to describe somebody/something's  character or most important quality, especially in order to give praise or  criticism

A. Epilogue  

B. Prologue  

C. Blurb  

D. Epigraph  

E. Epigram  

F. Preface  

G. Epithet  

H. Title 

SECTION B (54 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section 

3. You are studying in the same Literature in English class with your friend Ngugi wa Marwa. He is not comfortable to see African Literature written in European languages. He suggests that writing African literature in African languages is the only way to reach every individual in the society. Mention 5 points oppose him.

4. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.


Leave your spade
Your hammer and your pen, companion

In the forest heart rise up
With your spear, your knife and your gun.

Forward in our fight
With weapons and with courage hurry.

All your people have risen up
They have but one road freedom

There is no prison, no torture and no death
Which makes us fear

Our people is your strength
And what we seek is their progress and their joy

By the light of our party
Stand firm in our struggle

On the plain, in the paddy field,
In the city and the forests heart, stand firm

We are one
One force, one future in our land

Give your life brother
For the victory of our people’s freedom

Tomorrow is liberty
Yours sons will enjoy the fruits of our fight.

Let us companions
Let us march to freedom to progress.


a) A “Partisan” is a (soldier) member of a group that secretly fights against soldiers who are controlling their country. From the context of the poem what does it mean by “Partisans’ song”?

b) Read again stanza five and stanza ten. Suggest two themes you get from each stanza.

c) Which figures of speech are represented by the following expressions?

i. Our people is our strength ………………………………

ii. With weapons and with courage hurry. …………………..

iii. Let us companions

Let us march to freedom to progress. …………………….

d) “All your people have risen up/They have but one road freedom” Suggest three ways from the poem that they have to use to get freedom.

5. With examples write short notes on the following literary terms.

i. Teleplay
ii. Tall Tale
iii. Coincidence.

6. Which literary term(s) is being described by each of the following descriptions.

(a) In her new novel Madam Catherine has begun with the description “Feel free friend Freddy”. This expression is an example of ……

(b) Isabella is a character in a play who is working against the protagonist, or main character, in the same play. Isabella is ......

(c) The first stage of a typical story plot that provides important background information and introduces the setting and the important characters is called …………………

(d) It is a song or hymn of grief or lamentation especially one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites or a funeral …

(e) Is a poem that celebrates the beauty and pleasure of country (village) life .…………

(f) A list of all the characters in the play, usually at the beginning of a script usually in the order of their appearance. …………..

(g) This is a feeling of growing tension and excitement felt by a reader which makes a reader curious about the outcome of a story or an event within a story…………

(h) Jane has a serious disagreement with her husband about her marriage to the point that they the neighbours come to intervene. This situation is technically called ……

(i) This occurs when a writer provides hints that suggest future events in a story………

7. Your teacher has given you an assignment to compose a one-page drama involving 5 characters. Write the playscript and show how you have used the following dramatic techniques.

(a) Dialogue
(b) Stage direction
(c) Monologue
(d) Curtain
(e) Costume.
(f) Aside

8. Briefly write short explanations for each of the following scenarios.

(a) Why is literature said to be an art? Three points.

(b) Why is literature said to be different from other works of art? Three points. 

(c) How does literature differ from other branches of art? Three points.

SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer two (2) questions from this section.

9. White people are morally corrupt compared to Africans. Verify this statement by drawing your references from two novels you have read. Three points from each novel.

10. With reference to Soyinka’s “The Lion and the Jewel” and Gogol’s “The Government Inspector”, justify the statement that, “bad leadership and misuse of power among leaders, hinder the achievement of aimed goals in many societies.” Use three points from each play.

11. Analyse the use of musical/sound devices in two poems you have read and appreciated. Give three points from each poem.

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