TIME: 2:30HOURS                                    AUGUST 2023


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of 10 questions.

2. Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

3. All writing must be in black or blue pen.

4. All communication devices are not allowed in the examination room.

5. Write your examination number at the top right corner of every page.


1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.

i) The abolition of slave trade in 19th century was followed by:

a) The Berlin conference of 1884-1885

b) The development of legitimate trade

c) The formation of UNO

d) The Great depression of 1923-1929

(ii) One of the following East African coastal city states was located in present day Mozambique, hence directly received gold from Mwenamutapa in 15th century

a) Lamu

b) Kilwa

c) Sofala

d) Zimbabwe

(iii) In evolution of man, the use of tools and bi-pedalism were accompanied by the development of man’s;

a) Agriculture

b) Brain

c) Limbs

d) Trade

(iv) Which of the following marked the end of Portuguese rule in east Africa?

a) The rise and fall of coastal city states

b) The coming of sultan Seyyid Said to Zanzibar

c) The fall of fort Jesus in Mombasa

d) The coming of Europeans to east Africa

(v) The process by which people act on nature while at the same time they enter into relationship with one another is called:

a) Means of production

b) Object of labour

c) Productive forces

d) Relations of Production

(vi) Gao was the trading centre which developed into a large empire known as:

a) Soghai

b) Asante

c) Mali

d) Ghana

(vii) The Hamarton treaty was about:

a) Allowing the sultan of Zanzibar to buy slaves from the interior

b) To forbid the sultan of Zanzibar to sell slaves outside his dominion

c) To forbid the sultan of Zanzibar to sell slaves outside farther north than Lamu and Mogadishu

d) Allowing the sultan to sell slaves to the rich slave traders in Arabia.

(viii) Among the evidences of the earliest commercial contact between east Africa and the middle and Far East as far back as 200BC is:

a) Existence of large Asian shops along the coastal areas

b) The periplus of the Erythrean Sea written by Greek traders

c) Existence of Arabic words in the Swahili language

d) Growth of towns along coastal area.

(ix) The following is one of the methods used to obtain gold in African societies:

a) Shaft and planning methods

b) Pottery and ornaments

c) Ornaments and shaft

d) Planning method and pottery

(x) Local trade among African societies became possible when:

a) One society became more powerful than others

b) Iron tools had increased

c) People produced less than their needs

d) d)People could produce more than their needs

2. Match the items in List A with those in List B by writing the correct letter against the corresponding letter

List A

i. Homo habilis

ii. Australopithecus

iii. Homo sapiens sapiens

iv. Homo erectus

v. Homo sapiens
List B
a) They lived approximately between 150,000 and 20,000 year ago

b) They lived approximately between 1.9 million and 300,000 years ago

c) They lived approximately between 400,000 and 70,000 year ago

d) They lived approximately 2.5 and 1.6 Million years ago.

e) They lived approximately between 300,000 and 500,000 years ago.

f) They lived about 6.9 million and 1,200 years ago.

g) Human ancestor who lived from about 4.2 to 2.0 million years ago.

Answer all questions from this section

3. Iron Age was a period when human beings started using iron tools and weapons, in which ways Iron Age people differ from the Stone Age people? Give five points

4. To interact is to spend time with people in a way you have an effect on each other. For example, you can interact with teacher in the classroom. You listen and take notes as the teacher teaches you ask question where you do not understand and the teacher answer them. Long before the coming of colonialist Africans were interacted socially. How far this is true? Give five points

5. Gulukwa kwa lala is a village that found at Ilala district where its people live with exploitation of man by man and land was owned by a few rich and powerful people. As a historian relate the life of Gulukwa kwa lala villagers with pre-colonial mode of production by describing its five characteristics.

6. (a) One student was talking about the event that took place in the 15th Century, the event that crossed three continents namely; Africa, Europe and America; what was the event a student was talking about?

(b) What factor gave to rise of 6 (a) above

7. (a) Boers trek was a migration by Boers families from cape of the interior of South Africa in order to escape from the British. With five points Describe reasons which made Boers to escape the southern cape 1830 and 1850

(b) Yusuph and John were arguing that “Museum has no significance. Yusuph argued that Museum has no significant to our nation while John opposed him. What do you think were five point used by John against her friends

8. Abolition of slave trade means “Stopping of selling and buying human beings as commodities in the market. In West Africa they were abolished slave trade earlier than East Africa. Explain why it was difficult to abolish slave trade in East Africa than in West Africa.

9. Use specific examples, how expansion of Ngoni People during the 19th century affected the people of east Africa and West Africa.

10. When you get to Kariakoo market; you will find Tanzanians getting into contact with the people from India, china and Arab. This contact believed to be started as early as 200BC. What were the consequences brought with that contact?

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