TIME: 3:00HOURS                                AUGUST 2023 


1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A, and B and two only (2) questions from section C.

3. Question ten (10) is compulsory

SECTION A. (16 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter into answer booklet provided.

i. Into the space separating Camila and Alcado, there was Vallella reading his favourite play. Which term appropriately expresses Villella’s position in relation to Camilla and Alcado?

A. Among

B. Between ( )

C. Within

D. Middle

ii. If you have ever been to Mbeya, you may have got a enhance of seeing a big meteorite, known as Mbozi meteorite.In which form of tense is this sentence?

A. Future perfect tense

B. Simple past tense ( )

C. Future tense

D. Present perfect tense

iii. He likes dressing red coloured American suits. The underlined phrase function as…………….

A. Preposition

B. Adjective ( )

C. Adverb

D. Compliment

iv. ‘’She passed away when she was in a family way’’.Balegu said. What is the appropriate literary term for describing Balegu’s statement?

A. Satire

B. Euphemism ( )

C. Sarcasm

D. Onomatopoeia

v. What do you think is a correct English grammatical construction?

A. Whom were you talking to?

B. To whom were you talking? ( )

C. Who were you talking?

D. To who were you talking to?

vi. Vagastine was told to identify the term which is at its appropriate plural form from the list given, then he tried at his level best, unsuccessfully. What do you think could be Vagastine’s best choice?

A. News

B. Information ( )

C. Politics

D. Geese.

vii. If the boat had been maintained properly, it......... sunk into the river.

A. Will not have

B. Would not have

C. Will not be

D. Will not

viii. Alehandro prefers seeking confirmation for whatever points, statement and questions he does, though he fails getting an appropriate way for seeking such confirmation. What do you think should Alehandro use to seek for confirmation of whatever statement he does?

A. Exclamation

B. Question tags

C. Short answer

D. Interrogatives

ix. ‘’ I used to love my mother very much’’, Shonzine said. What is the present progressive form of Shonzine’s statement?

A. I love my mother very much

B. I am loving my mother very much

C. I was loving my mother very much

D. I loving my mother very much

x. Please call me as soon as she……………

A. Will come

B. Comes

C. Would come

D. Come

2. Match each expression in A LIST with the correct response from LIST B by writing its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.



i.             They would have won the match

ii.             If she speaks with her land lord

iii.             If they had paid all the taxes required

iv.             She would be expelled from school

v.            Unless she spoke to her landlord

vi.             We will have many potential industries

A.      She will be given enough time to pay her rent.

B.       If the government allocated enough funds

C.       She wouldn’t be given enough time to settle her bill

D.      She would be given enough time to settle her bill

E.       If she misbehaves

F.       If the government allocates enough funds

G.      If they play well

H.      If she misbehaved

I.         They wouldn’t have faced difficulties in their business

J.        If they had played confidently.


SECTION B. (54 marks)
Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) Amelia thinks of owning her own ATM card in a few years to come, though she doesn’t actually know how to properly use it, especially when withdrawing some money. Now, as an expert, use the imperative form of verbs and sequencing words such as firstly…………., secondly… ,

thirdly……….., fourthly……., and lastly……….., to give instructions to Amelia so that she becomes an expert on how to use an ATM card.

i. Firstly…………………………………………………………………………………..

ii. Secondly ………............................................................................................................

iii. Thirdly ……………………………………………………………………………………

iv. Fourthly ……......................................................................................................................

v. Lastly………........................................................................................................................

(b)Any thing that happens on the earth’s surface may either be reported passively or actively, how could you report the following situations in passive form?

i. Anita sang the song well

ii. Someone has taken my pen

iii. They were interviewing her here

iv. Students are studying English now

4. (a) Re write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each

i. The old man is my teacher. His shorts are red. (re-write using ‘’whose’’)

ii. If you stand on the roof, you will see Zanzibar. (begin unless........ )

iii. If they play well, they will win the match. (rewrite into conditional sentence type3)

iv. As soon as he arrived at the terminal, the bus left. (Re write using; no sooner……)

v. The man is calling you. He is my uncle. (use ‘’who’’ to join the sentences) (b)how can you shortly respond to the following questions?

i. Do you like the dress madam? Yes, ………….

ii. You are ill, aren’t you? Yes, ……………….

iii. Does the study hard? Yes, ……………….

iv. Do crocodiles live in water? Yes ,…………

5.   Complete the following passage using the verbs in the box below in their correct tense forms.

Drive, have, stop, pick, be, plan, stand, decided, be

Last year my cousin and I (1) ………… to go on a trip to Misseny District. We (2) …………...

The journey for months and the day for us to leave finally arrived. We (3) ……………. Never (4)

………… to Missenyi District before. So, we (5).............. both really excited about the trip a head. We

(6) …………. up the car from the garage and (7)................ it out on to the high way. After a few hours

of driving, we (8) ………. at a petrol station. While we (9).............. outside the petrol station, a long

black vehicle pulled up next to ours.

6. (a) One can change a statement into a question or check whether the statement is either correct or incorrect by using tag question phrases. In view of this, how can you check whether the following statements are correct?

i. Friends depend on each other for advice and guidance……………………………………..

ii. We are dependent on connections with others for our happiness…………………………..

iii. Teenagers are entering a period in life when many issues begin to emerge……………….

iv. He came on foot…………………………………………………………………………….

v. The next step towards helping others is to listen……………………………………………

(b) Imagine you visit your brother who lives far away from your home. He asks you several questions about you and your parents at home. Now below are some questions you got asked by brother, report them to your friend Faraja.

i. How are your father and mother?

ii. How are you getting on at school?

iii. Do you plan to go a college next year?

iv. How is your life at school?

7. (a) Suppose your mother sends you to a shop to buy two (2) kilograms of flour for repairing the day’s lunch. How would you intervene the shopkeeper as you find her serving other customers? Use the following question guides.

i. How would you start the conservation with the shopkeeper?

ii. How would you ask for the service you want?

iii. How would you ask for the price?

iv. How would you ask for the quantity of the goods you want?

v. How would you end the conservation?

(b) As a secondary school student, which language between English and Kiswahili you think should be used as a medium of instructions in all levels of education in Tanzania? Give three reasons to support your opinion)

8. The following advertisement was found by Asha when she was studying the topic called analyzing information from media. Read it carefully and then respond to it appropriately.

Raia mwema, 17th April ,2023


The Mzalendo mining company is looking for a well- qualified geologist with at least three years of experience. The applicant should be fluent in English and Kiswahili. He or she should hold a diploma or above and should not be above 32 years old. He or she must be ready to work under pressure.

Apply to;

The managing director Mzalendo mining company

P. O. BOX 3004 GEITA

Please remember to write your CV. Deadline is two months from the day of the advertisement

Sign your personal address as Vagastine Martines,

P. O. BOX 4642, NJOMBE

SECTION C.(30marks)
Answer only two (2) questions in this section and question ten (10) is compulsory

9. Poets and poetess use poetic devices not only to colour and make their works attractive to the audience but also to portray the intended social realities. Justify this concept as you refer to two poems of your choice (six points)

10. There is a high growing negligence and violation of children’s basic rights done especially by their parents and even close relatives. As a result, this growing negligence and violation of children’s basic right has brought most children into difficult future life. Support this statement by referring to two (2) novels you have read.

11. Modern education is a necessary tool for modifying not only some bad customs and traditions but also the whole African culture. Justify this assertion by referring to two (2) plays you have recited

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