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Our country gained Independence on 09.12.1961 where Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere who was the first Prime Minister formed the Ministry of Local Government and Appointed Hon. Job Lusinde to be the first Minister to lead this Ministry. Followed by 19 Ministers including three (3) women.

From 1961 until now the Office of the President - PMO-RALG has been an independent Ministry, a Ministry under the Office of the Prime Minister and in the Office of the President as it is now. Decisions on where to place it have been made to enhance the functioning of this Office.

The Office of the President PMO-RALG is the only Ministry whose Headquarters has been established in Dodoma since the early seventies since the Government declared Government Headquarters to be Dodoma and in Dar es Salaam there have been small Offices. 

The presence of the Dodoma Headquarters grew with the aim of providing equal opportunities for its key stakeholders especially the Regions and Local Government Authorities to reach Dodoma easily when they follow various services.

The purpose of the existence of Local Government is to devolve power to the people whose origins are the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 in Chapter 8, Articles 145 and 146. 

The transfer of power to the people through Local Government Authorities and That is why Local Governments and Citizens' participation in the development process are enshrined in the Constitution and Laws of the United Republic of Tanzania.

When our country gained independence there were ten administrative states that were inherited from the British colonial rule in 1966. The first President, the late Julius Kambarage Nyerere, by the delegated authority created 15 Regions and abolished the system of division of the country in the States. 
To date our country has 26 Regions, 139 Districts, 184 Councils, 570 Divisions, 3,956 Wards, 12,319 Villages, 64,384 Suburbs and 4,263 Streets. After independence there were a total of 45 Councils and by 2009 there were 129 Councils and they have continued to increase to 184 in 2021.

During Independence there were no City Councils and now there are 6 City Councils, there was one Dar es Salaam Municipal Council and now there are 20 Municipal Councils, there were 9 City Councils and now there are 21 City Councils and District Councils were 10 and now there are 137 District Councils.
For more detail visit www.tamisemi.go.tz

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