The Tanzania Army (Jeshi la kujenga Taifa) is responsible for selecting students who complete their level of study (advanced level) to join camp which are found in various region in Tanzania, students who are selected has the following eligibilities

  • Those who have completed form six studies and are awaiting for university selection and study if possible.
  • Academic qualifications.
  • Those who are mentally and physically fit who no current health problems.
Selected student are also required to show preference for the camp they wish to join though final placement is made by JKT.

Selected students will undergo medical examination when attending the camp  to check their health status before starting military training.

The range of training vary according to the type of trainee, for form six students training always carry three to seven month while others seven to one year.


You can simply check by following the steps below if the links above are not supported on your browsing machine.
  • Visit JKT official website
  • Check by navigating on news or info Majina waliochaguliwa 2023
  • Select your category weather form four leaver, form six or specific recruitment.
  • Download pdf or view it within JKT website.
  • Search your name on search button of pdf reader you are using.


Significant of Joining JKT In Tanzania

Public Help: JKT is a public assistance program that expects to impart discipline, positive energy, and a feeling of public solidarity among youthful Tanzanians. By joining JKT, people add to the turn of events and safeguard of their country.

Authority Improvement: JKT gives open doors to administration advancement. Learners partake in different military exercises and activities that cultivate cooperation, discipline, and administration abilities. These characteristics are important for self-awareness and future undertakings.

Actual Wellness and Discipline: JKT centers around actual wellness preparing, which assists people with further developing their actual prosperity, perseverance, and by and large wellbeing. Students learn discipline, determination, and the significance of keeping a solid and dynamic way of life.

Ability Improvement: JKT offers preparing in different fields, including military strategies, emergency treatment, relational abilities, and professional abilities. These abilities can improve employability and give an establishment to future profession ways.

Systems administration and Social Reconciliation: JKT unites people from different foundations and areas of Tanzania. It gives a chance to cooperate, fabricate connections, and foster a feeling of kinship with individual students. This advances social combination and solidarity among Tanzanian youth.

Vocation Amazing open doors: JKT can open ways to profession open doors in the military, security administrations, and other related fields. For those keen on chasing after a profession in protection, JKT gives an important establishment and may act as a venturing stone to additional tactical preparation or work.

Public Personality and Community Obligation: Joining JKT advances a feeling of public character, pride, and urban obligation. Students find out about the set of experiences, values, and customs of Tanzania, adding to their comprehension and enthusiasm for their country.

Self-improvement: JKT gives an organized climate to self-awareness, provoking people to stretch their boundaries, conquer hindrances, and foster fearlessness and versatility.

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