General information

The Selform MIS system is a management system for form five options. This system manages the entire process of student selection and allocation to schools based on agreed criteria.

General system information

The Selform system is a web-based computer system that manages the entire exercise of fifth form options.

This system works as a client server. The user is the one who has the responsibility and permission to work in the system. The User of the System will contact the server that stores all the information related to the entire process of the fifth form options.

System overview

System Configuration (System Configuration)

The Small Entrepreneurs System is available through the main server that exists OR-TAMISEMI. The system has been designed and developed in a way that allows many users to work at the same time without interacting or mixing information.

Users will be able to enter the System through web pages (Gu) and access the database and be able to perform various tasks intended within the system.

User Access Levels

Each user has specific rights in the Small Entrepreneurs System according to their position in the system. there is a user who can get information at the National, Regional, District and Council levels.


Since the Small Entrepreneurs System is stored in the main server located in OR-TAMISEMI. The server is enabled to save backups to ensure continuity of operations in case of any emergency. User Guide

How to enter the System

Start by opening your browser on a computer that is connected to the internet. The browser can be Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox, Explore or anything else you want.

This system is available through the normal internet at the address

Immediately after that you will open a page labeled SELFORM MIS. If you are logging in for the first time, click on the area labeled "For a New student, click here to Register"

Start by entering the Index number using the Center Number system, Dot, Candidate Number, Dot, Year of Completion (Example S0123.0321.2019) then Click Verify

If the Index number you entered is correct, the system will take you to another page that will enable you to fill in your other information. At this point, select the grade of the subject you passed in the section labeled Select Subject grade of the Subject, for the subject you will be asked. Enter your last name as it is registered at school and finish by entering your year of birth. Then Click Register”

If the information you filled in is correct, the system will open another page. Enter the Password and repeat by entering it a second time to confirm that you remember it. Click Save and the system will show you "Your password has been changed successfully."


The next step is to click on My Details to open your Selform information page.

In this feature, the user will be able to make changes to the mailbox, phone number, and email address. Click Save and Go Next.

In this feature you will be able to make a General Choice, as the system shows, make a choice and you will see two buttons, one is if you need to go back and the second is for moving forward, Click Save and Go Next.


In this section, the system will enable the student to change the specialization according to his performance. Do it as the System wants, Then Click Save and Go Next.

Note: Here the Character will be able to see only the specifics he/she has passed

In this area the Subject will be able to choose the college and Technical courses he needs to study according to his performance

Attention: in this aspect it is important that you have passed the PCM test, in the sense of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects, once you have selected and filled in, Click Save and Go Next

This area will be special for those who need to go to study courses in the field of Health, Choose the relevant course according to your performance once you have chosen it Click Save and Go Next

This feature will apply to all those who want to join Teaching Diploma colleges, Here Change your information according to the success of your studies, then Save and Go Next

In this Feature, Select colleges and other courses that you will prefer to join IF you miss the opportunity to join Form Five, Vocational, Health and Teaching Diploma Colleges.



This is the last section on the right side of the system. This section allows you to review and identify the information you have entered, but it is also the section that will enable you to identify some defects that appeared during filling. If you are given suggestions to make changes, then follow them and correct the relevant area as the system will direct you.

This is a page to enable you to view and see the success of your studies according to NECTA results.



This area has five elements that show you various Specializations and Courses that you can join based on your Merit.



This will show you a list of successful Specials


This will show you a list of the tests you have passed


This will show you a list of the Vocational courses you have passed


This will show you a list of Health courses you have passed.


This will show you a list of Diploma in Teaching courses you have passed


List of other Courses you can join

Change Password

This area will allow you to change your password


To get the most efficiency when using the Selefornm system, the following is recommended. It is highly recommended to have a reliable internet connection when using this system Selform. Make sure you remember your username and password to easily log into the system. For help, do not hesitate to contact helpdesk@ Logout


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