1.Question: When can i apply higher education loan?

Answer: Loan applications are made once a year lessons. For the year 2022/2023, applications will begin received online from July 15 to September 30, 2022.

2. Question: What are the main characteristics of getting a higher education loan?

Answer: The loan applicant should have the following qualifications:
• Be a Tanzanian;
• He has applied for a loan through the Internet as as directed;
• Must have a confirmed admission at a recognized college;
• He should not have another source to pay for studies his higher education as other funding.
• In addition, the applicant is advised to read the description of Details about the features and parameters are provided on Lending Guide available at HESLB website (

3. Question:
Are orphans and the disabled given priority in the loan application?

Answer: Along with the main features, credit planning also provides priority for special groups as applicants orphans, disabled or with disabled parents, and sponsored students in secondary studies due to the inability to afford the cost of education. 

Applicants for loans from these groups should read the leading guide for the year 2022/2023 that points out the important things to consider and required documents.

4. Question:
What should I do to start applying for a loan online (OLAMS)?

Answer: Read the guide provided by HESLB which available on the Board's website (, then, open the application website ( to register using your form test number fourth and the year you took the exam.

5. Question: After registering, what should I do?

Answer: After registering, you will get a reference number (Control Number) on the 'screen' which will enable you to pay the application fee of TZS 30,000/= to via bank or telephone. 

Pay only once the full amount of TZS 30,000/=

6. Question
: What important documents are required during the apply for a loan?

Answer: Copies of:
i. Applicant's birth certificate certified by RITA or ZCSRA;
ii. Diploma for applicants graduate diploma;
iii. Death certificate if you have lost a parent certified by RITA or ZCSRA;
iv. Guarantor ID (NIDA, Voter, Driver's License, Passport or ID of Mzanzibari Resident). The guarantor can use one of these identifiers;
v. Fully completed and signed sponsorship form if the applicant was sponsored in his studies secondary or diploma;
v. For people with disabilities or parents with disabilities disability, a special form filled out in full and certified by the District Medical Officer;
vii. Photographs (passport size) of the loan applicant and his guarantor (the guarantor can be a parent or guardian).

7. Question: Is it important to have an Account for Bank or NIDA number when applying for a loan?

Answer: Yes. The loan applicant is advised and stressed have their own Bank Account to facilitate payment he is in college. 

The applicant can open an account in any bank he likes but the account names of the bank should be the same as the name he uses to apply loan. About the number provided by the Identity Authority of the Nation (NIDA), the applicant is advised to set it (as he has). If not, he can continue with the application without that number.

8. Question: Can a student get help for apply for a loan at the 'Internet Café'?
Answer: Yes. However, you are advised to make sure that Your information has been filled in correctly. 

It is the responsibility of The loan applicant ensures all attachments (certificates and other documents) have been installed/uploaded on its online form to avoid applications its having a deficiency.

9. Question
: Where do I check a parent's birth or death certificate?
Answer: Birth and death certificates of parents are required be verified by the Registration, Licensing and Trust Agency (RITA) or ZCSRA (for Zanzibar) before they are uploaded on the HESLB loan application system. These institutions in doing the verification of certificates.

10. Question: If I ever got a loan in the past and If I quit, fail or get expelled from college, I will be able to get another loan?

Answer: The purpose of higher education loans is to empower him student to study and finish lessons on time. So, if you have ever been a beneficiary of a financial loan of the Government, and you did not finish your studies, you will have to first repay the entire loan or at least 25 percent of the debt before you can get another loan.

11. Question
: If I have incompetent parents, should I file? What kind of proof to get a loan?

Answer: An applicant who has special needs, it is mandatory its needs and status must be verified by the relevant authorities as a Community development Fund (TASAF) or an institution of such recognizable and verifiable nature

12. Question
: If I missed a loan last year, I had to postpone studies, should I reapply for a loan this year?
Answer: You are allowed to reapply for the loan this year. Application yours will be measured against the year's guidelines and criteria this study. 

You are advised to read the manual for pay attention and focus on it. In addition, if you are studying in the second or third year and continue and you need a loan, you are allowed apply based on this year's criteria.

13. Question: How is loan application forms submitted to HESLB?

Answer: After uploading them and completing the form filling of the application, the applicant a print the completed form and send it by EMS to:

Executive director,
Higher Education Student Loan Board,
S.L.P. 76068,

14. Question: How will the applicant know if he got a loan?

Answer: After HESLB receives, reviews and analyzes loan applications, information for those who will be successful The loan allocation will be available on the HESLB website (, in colleges and on the accounts of loan applicants.

15. Question
: How can the applicant track the information of his prayers?

Answer: From the year 2019/2020, loan applicants no student loan beneficiaries who are in college they can monitor their behavior and information through his SIPA account (Student's Individual Permanent Account).

This is the account that the applicant has used to apply loan and will continue to use it to get information variety even when he is in college.

16. Question: What are the loan items (Loan Items)?

Answer: A loan applicant who meets the criteria and qualifications, can assigned all or some of the following elements due to his need:
• Food and accommodation
• Training fee
• Books and stationery
• Special needs of the faculty
• Research
• Practical training
Issued by:
Higher Education Student Loan Board
July, 2022

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